Exclusive Participation Perks

More Than $1,000 in Exclusive Participant Perks!

40% Discount on the Final Report
Hundreds of in-depth statistics, plus advice and commentary from our renowned
consultants—the complete benchmarking picture you need to build a compelling
business case for change! Check out our Benchmark Survey Reports.


Free PSMJ Personalized Benchmark Tool
Key data points from the survey results, customized in an Excel-based tool so you
can compare your firm to your peers with the click of a button. And as a participant,
you’ll receive it for FREE! Watch the video below for a demo of two of our most popular tools.


Free Benchmarking Webinars
PSMJ Principal Dave Burstein, P.E., shares the results of the most recent PSMJ Surveys
and shows participants how to use their PSMJ Personalized Benchmark Tool.


Amazon.com Gift Card
The chance for you to win a FREE $300 gift card from Amazon.com!